I know, I know I skipped 2 fridays yet again without a blog post. Still struggling to keep my commitment with at least the "once a week blog posting". Somehow, work and everything else that needs an instant response gets in the way and I am avalanched and the promised blog posting disappears into the chaos.
Some times I wonder if we urban dwellers are just "driven" creatures with unreasonable urges to prove ourselves not just in our careers but in almost everything else burning ourselves out. That's why I'm so inspired by Annie of 'theselby'. She seems to have brought in the languidity of country side living into her urban home and at the same time excercising sensitivity to her nieghbourhood stressed out storm water system. That's truly living "Green".
Some images below from "The Selby". Doesnt it seem like the possibilities for us urban dwellers across the globe are endless as a roof top any where in the world has the same physical make up except for climatical variations!!!! I mean, one can't any more make excuses for not having enough open land or good soil conditions, etc etc. Everyone has a roof and all these obstacles can be overcome with green roofs. Even multi aparment dwellers have huge roofs and strong associations. With some inspiration and commitment it would be possible to transform these roofs into urban farms as a community.
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